About Us

Our puppies are neurologically stimulated which produces dogs who have healthier cardiovascular performance.
This means stronger hearts, stronger adrenal glands, increased tolerance to stress, and greater resistance to disease.
Our puppies are naturally weaned by the mother (not typical of most breeders) producing pups who have an increase in self-control, relational comfort with other dogs, patience, and attention span… while also experiencing a decrease in aggression towards people and other dogs.
Our puppies are constantly exposed to common noises and sounds such as children playing & crying, vacuum cleaners, thunderstorms, and fireworks.
This helps to produce a dog who is confident, calmer and less stressed… all of which makes for easier trainability.
Although we do raise show quality dogs, we are most dedicated to the health, temperament, and happiness of families adopting from us.
We plan only a few litters or just one each year, so that every puppy can have the attention and care they deserve.